Church School classes meet at 11:15 am every Sunday immediately following Communion, September through May, with recess for the Christmas holidays. We have four dedicated teacher teams instructing the students according to age. We are grateful for our students and thankful that our future looks bright at Saint Anthony's.
Matushka Natalia serves as Coordinator of the Church School Program. Please contact her for Zoom links and class times during pandemic-related restrictions.
The choir is under the directorship of Reader Ben Tolleson. It sings in a four part harmony style largely based on Obikhod and Kievan chant. It also has various compositions including Byzantine, Serbian, Romanian, and Georgian chants. The congregation tends to join with the singing of the choir. The architectural style of the interior of temple, with its 24’ high barrel ceiling, enhances the singing to provide an atmosphere of prayer conducive to public worship.
The choir possesses a comprehensive repertoire of music for Great Lent including the canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, Akathist to the Theotokos, the services of Holy Week, and the Divine services of Holy Pascha. Rehearsals are usually held on a seasonal basis.
Saint Macrina’s Sisterhood meets quarterly to plan activities pertinent to supporting our church. The coffee hour, luncheons, and church cleaning schedules are coordinated by the Sisterhood. A bi-annual yard sale is the main fund raising activity which also serves as an outreach to our neighborhood. All funds raised are used for charitable purposes. The Sisterhood welcomes all women who wish to participate.
Saint Joseph's Brotherhood meets bi-monthly to plan activities pertinent to the maintenance and beautification of our church property and for spiritual development. The Brotherhood also hosts Sunday luncheons. The Brotherhood welcomes all men who wish to participate.
The bookstore offers a wide variety of books, icons, prayer ropes, incense, and other devotional items. The proceeds support the lending library. In addition to the inventory on hand, special orders or assistance locating a particular item are also available. The bookstore is open after Divine Liturgy on Sundays. For more information, contact the bookstore manger, Seraphim Clopton.