Evangelism Retreat
Evangelism Retreat
Evangelism Retreat


Fr. David Rucker, Associate Missions Director of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) will present Part 2 of his retreat on Orthodox evangelism, “The Great Commission or Omission: What Does Our Parish Embrace?” on Saturday, February 8th. from 1 pm to 4 pm.  Fr. Rucker presented the first half of his exciting topic in February 2013. Fr. Rucker is an excellent speaker with a revealing message for all parishes. Light refreshments will be provided and the lecture will conclude with Vespers at 5 p.m. On Sunday, February 9th, Fr. Rucker will address the Church School about the importance of missionary work.   A special monetary collection will be taken on Sunday for the work of the OCMC. An invitation has been extended to our friends at St. Ephraim’s Orthodox Church and St. Joachim and Anna Orthodox Mission.

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St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Church

103 Carolina

San Antonio, TX  78210
