St. Anthony's Food Pantry

St. Anthony's Food Pantry

(2 images)

The St. Anthony's food pantry (a partnership with San Antonio Food Bank) is available every Friday from 3:00–4:30 pm.




St. Anthony’s Weekly Food Pantry successfully grown to serve more than 40 families each week. At this time we are turning away hungry families because we are running out of food to distribute. Below are the most urgent needs of the Weekly Food Pantry ministry:


Do you have a truck or van? Can you volunteer a few hours on Friday’s to pick-up a load of food (approx. 600 to 800 pounds) from the San Antonio Food Bank and bring it to the church? 


Can you volunteer 2 or 3 hours to distribute food at the church on Friday’s? One day per month or every week? 


Can you save your pocket change? Your donation of $1 allows St. Anthony’s to buy up to 100 lbs of food from the San Antonio Food Bank to stock our Weekly Food Pantry. There are donation jars in the Narthex and in the Fellowship Hall.


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St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Church

103 Carolina

San Antonio, TX  78210
