Church School
Church School
Time & Place

COVID: during pandemic-related civic restrictions, church school is being done via Zoom. Please see Matushka Natalia for links to the classes for your child's age group and class times.

Normal times for Church School are 11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.  Sunday mornings immediately following Communion in the Fellowship Hall.  Classes are structured into the following age groups:

  • Toddlers and Kindergarten
  • 1st - 3rd grade
  • 4th - 6th grade
  • Junior High School
  • High School
For information about Church School activities, please refer to our Parish Calendar, or click here to contact our Church School Coordinator, Matushka Natalia Wooten.



St. Anthony the Great Orthodox Church

103 Carolina

San Antonio, TX  78210
